L'épave du Manic II - Repentigny, Qc, Canada
Long Description:
History says that this boat has been there since the early 2000s.This boat was moored at the North Shore Marina de Repentigny.
It came off by accident when there was nobody on board, and came to rest there. If I'm not mistaken, this is a ferro-cement.
It stays there because it would be too expensive to remove it.
L'histoire dit que ce bateau est là depuis le début des années 2000.
Ce bateau était amarré à un mooring à la marina Rive Nord de Repentigny.
Il s'est détaché par accident alors qu'il n'y avait personne à bord, et a fini sa course à cet endroit. Si je ne me trompe pas, c'est un ferro-ciment.
Il en coûterait plus de 8000$ à son propriétaire pour le sortir de là, voilà pourquoi il y est toujours.
Date of Shipwreck: 2000 Type of Boat: Sailboat Military or Civilian: Civilian Cause of Shipwreck: mistake and mechanical failure Accessibility: via Parc Rochefort on Rd.138 Diving Permitted: yes |
Visit Instructions:
Only log the site if you have visited it personally.
Floating over a site does not qualify as a find if it is a wreck that requires diving - you must have actually visited the site - therefore photos of the site are good.
Only log the site if you have visited it personally.
Floating over a site does not qualify as a find if it is a wreck that requires diving - you must have actually visited the site - therefore photos of the site are good.